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Parents Handbook

Dear Parent,


Texas Youth Camp is excited to welcome your son or daughter to this year’s Christian Summer Youth Camp experience.


Your son or daughter is coming to camp to learn biblical virtues in a fun, fast-paced setting while making life-long friendships. They’ll accomplish this by participating in bible lessons, devotionals, skits, team building and sports activities. Texas Youth Camp will give your child the opportunity to grow in a safe, Christian environment where everyone can find success.


This parent handbook is designed to help your and your family prepare for camp.  Please read it carefully, discuss it with your children, and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.




Dave Hooper

Executive Director

Texas Youth Camp








When your camper arrives, he or she will be placed in a cabin where they will be continuously supervised by adult counselors.   There will always be a minimum of two counselors with the campers, more as the number in the group increases. Campers are responsible for bussing their own trays at meals, and keeping their cabins, bathrooms, and grounds areas clean. These activities will help your child develop a sense of responsibility and appreciation for keeping the camp clean. 


Your camper is always supervised by a team of volunteers prescreened and approved by the camp session director.  Venue camp staff is only supervising the special events in which your child may participate. (ie lake activities, ropes exercise, swimming, etc.)


Your child will participate in sports each day.  They rotate through several different types of sports. It is important that you send your child with sneakers.  Additionally, if your child decides to use the zip line he/she must have long shorts (Bermuda-length), capris, or long pants.


The following is a sample schedule.  Please be aware this schedule may be modified to meet the needs of each individual camp session.






7:00 am

Wake up


7:30 am   

Line up at Dining Hall


7:45 am   



8:15 am  

Cabin clean up and quiet times


9:30-10:45 am

Bible lesson and discussion groups


11:00 am

Sports by assigned sports teams


12:15 pm  

Clean up for lunch


12:30 pm      

Line up at Dining Hall


12:45 pm  



1:30-2:45 pm  

Girls swim/Boys scheduled activities


2:30 - 3:15 pm

Canteen Open


3:00-4:15 pm  

Boys swim/Girls scheduled activities


4:30 pm  

Free Time with cabin


5:15 pm  

Line up at the flagpole


5:30 pm  



7:00 pm  

Evening Session


9:15 pm  

Late Night Activities and Fellowship (Elem to cabins)


10:30 pm  

To Cabins (for Middle School and High School)








There are ample bathroom facilities throughout our camp venue.  Feel free to visit the website for more details. 



The Dining Halls, all meeting rooms, and all cabins have electricity and air conditioning.



Campers can wash their clothes by hand, but it’s best to bring enough clothing for the entire session.  Emergencies, such as bedwetting, will be handled discreetly by counselors.  If this is a concern for your child, please send extra sheets/supplies and discuss your concerns with your child’s cabin counselor.





Three balanced meals a day and snacks are prepared in our kitchen.  Meals are served cafeteria-style.   Each camper is expected to bus his or her own tray.  Forest Glen offers a wide variety of options on their menu.  No nuts are served, a salad bar and/or fresh fruit are offered at each meal. Special accommodations can be made for vegetarian diets, gluten-free & casein-free diets, and other food sensitivities.  Parents are responsible for filling out the Forest Glen special diets form when you registered your camper. This must be done prior to the closing of registration on May 4th.  Be sure you let the Camp Health Officer know about any allergies your child may have, however it is up to your child to monitor his/her food choices.




Bedtime will vary from night to night, depending on evening activities, but lights out is scheduled for 10pm.





Texas summers are hot!  After swimming/free activities time, we’ll have time for the kids to take showers and rest.  You may send a book or quiet activity for your camper.  Many choose informal bible studies during this time.







  • Respect the counselors and listen when they are talking.

  • Respect fellow campers.  Camp is a no put down zone where we follow the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

  • Wear shoes at all times

  • Walk, not run in camp.

  • Always be with a buddy.

  • Leave our wild animal friends alone.

  • Stay on camp paths and roads.

  • Keep no food in your cabins.

  • Enjoy the flowers and plants and let them grow (no picking).


Disruptive behaviors that continue and keep other campers from enjoying themselves will not be tolerated.  The camp director reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose behavior, attitude, or conduct is detrimental to the welfare of the camp and the campers. Homesickness can be a consideration at the discretion of the Camp Director. In the event of dismissal or withdrawal of a camper NO refund will be given and the parent will be responsible for picking up their child.






All lost and found items will be available for you to go through upon pick-up of your camper. Please take the time to go through the items.  All lost and found items will be discarded or donated to an appropriate charity at the end of the camp season.







MAIL  *This is now an Elementary Camp ONLY option

Receiving mail is the highlight of every camper’s day! Follow these tips to provide your camper with a super mail call experience:


  • Write cheerful letters filled with short, happy thoughts and ask questions like, “What cool new things have you learned?” and “Have you made any new friends?”  Don’t focus on what the camper is missing at home.

  • You may send stickers, pens, a small gift for your child

  • If mailing, ensure that your camper receives mail on their first day at camp by sending a letter early!  Put your camper’s name, session name, date of the session, and the camp address on the envelope, and we will hold it until the first mail call.

  • You may bring mail or care packages with you to check-in.  Put your camper’s name, session name, and day you want the items to be delivered on each package or letter. We will NOT pass out mail on the first day or the last day of camp... so please plan accordingly.


Mailing Address: 

Camper’s Name

Forest Glen Camp

34 Forest Glen

Huntsville, TX 77340

Session Name (TYC Elementary, TYC Young Teen, TYC Teen)

Phone number:  936-295-7641


TIME CAPSULE  *This is an option for Middle School/ High School sessions if parents still want to send care packages.  Please note that this option has to come to camp packed WITH your camper. We will not collect at check-in and anything sent via mail during the HS/MS session will NOT be distributed. 


Here's some tips about how to build a capsule style surprise box for your camper and how it works!


  • Grab any type of BOX with a Lid.  Ex. Shoe box, Plastic Storage Container, Gift/Photo box, etc. (These can be found at Dollar Tree or a local craft store)

  • Choose NON-FOOD items to fill your box. Things that will encourage them or make them smile throughout the week. (Cheerful letter from you, a Novel/Journal/Sketchbook, Pens, Card Game, Madlibs, no-mess Craft kits, Glowsticks, other small gifts, etc)

  • Wrap/Package and Label each item separately. Leave them instructions for when you want them to open it. For Example, "Open Me- Monday" could be written on an envelope with a letter inside, etc OR you can do a Campers Choice style (they choose which package to open each day).




So that campers can fully develop the independence that camp encourages, there are no phones available for camper use. Please tell your child he/she will not be able to call home.  Campers are not allowed to have cell phones.  If your child brings a cell phone to camp, it will be stored until check-out.  Texas Youth Camp and Forest Glenn ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO PHONES TAKEN UP AT CAMP.  WE PREFER YOU LEAVE THEM AT HOME.



Homesickness is a natural feeling for many campers.  It usually goes away in a couple of days, and the camper enjoys the rest of their session.  If a camper becomes homesick, the staff is trained to help your child cope with their feelings.


Talking with parents directly on the phone tends to increase a camper’s feelings of homesickness.  Camp procedures for handling homesickness typically do not include allowing campers to call their parents.  If you receive homesick letters, please realize that the feelings your camper had when he or she wrote the letters probably passed.  If homesickness continues, the Camp Director will notify you by phone, and we will work together to provide the best experience for your camper.



If there is an emergency at home, or you would like to ask about your camper, you may call and leave a message for the Camp Director with the venue office.  He will return your call as soon as possible or within the hour.







Check-in for ALL campers will begin at 3:00 pm on SUNDAY, June 1st. Follow the signs once you arrive at Forest Glen.


Please DO NOT come before DESIGNATED check-in time.  Our volunteers WILL NOT be available before this time to check in your camper or be able to supervise them.  Thank you for following this important check-in time.


We will be having a drive-through check-in and check-out process for High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers. Elementary campers can be taken to their cabins. More details on how this process works will be communicated closer to camp



Please bring the following things to check-in with your camper: 

  • ALL medicines & vitamins in their original, labeled containers. Prescribed medication must have the camper's name on it. Our nursing staff WILL ONLY DISPENSE MEDICATION ACCORDING TO THE DOCTOR’S WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ORIGINAL CONTAINER.  Please place all prescription medicines in a gallon-sized ziplock bag and write your child's name, camp session, birth date, and name of the medicine on the outside with a sharpie.




We WILL NOT be checking for head lice this year.  But please check your camper before arriving at camp.  If your camper is found to have lice at any point during the week, you will be called to come and pick your camper up immediately and no refunds will be given.


We WILL NOT be screening for COVID-19 symptoms at check-in. If your camper experienced COVID symptoms before arriving at camp, please go to a doctor before coming to camp.  We are not requiring campers to take COVID tests before camp.  If your camper has COVID symptoms while at camp, COVID tests will be on hand.  If your camper tests positive for COVID-19, you will be called to come to pick up your camper immediately.  If a camper tests positive while at camp, all parents of cabin mates will be notified and given the option to come and pick up your camper. 


You will also turn in ALL prescription and over-the-counter medicines to the camp health coordinator.  The camp health coordinator will dispense the medicine as required with the assistance of an aide.  Under no circumstances are any campers allowed to have medicine in their cabin or on their person. (This includes children and adults.- no exceptions!)


If you are staying at camp as a counselor, these same check-in procedures and rules will apply to you.



High School and Middle School campers will check-in through the drive-in process, then parents will drop off campers near their cabin. Parents will stay in their vehicles.  Elementary campers can be taken to their cabins.  Campers will have assistance from the counselors and interns to help unload cars and get belongings to their cabin.  More details will be communicated closer to camp.








Check-Out for ALL CAMP SESSIONS (HS/MS/ELEM) is 10:00am on FRIDAY, June 6th.  

Only breakfast is served on the last day of this session.




PLEASE NOTE:  If you encounter an unavoidable emergency, you will want to contact us immediately AND make other pick-up arrangements for your child.  Our camping venue expects us to vacate on time and the volunteers are exhausted after a week of "camp life".





State law requires all medication, including over-the-counter drugs, be kept in the infirmary and dispensed by trained staff/volunteers.  Standard over-the-counter drugs will be provided by trained personnel and administered according to manufacturer directions. We are not liable for faulty equipment or medication dispensers. On your camp application we provided you a list of these “standard medicines” and you identified which ones your child should NOT be given.  This included:  Benadryl, Tylenol, Midol, Campho-Phenique, Ibuprofen, Maalox, Neosporin, Throat Lozenges.



Camp is outdoors and that means your camper will very likely get insect bites.  To help prevent bites, send insect repellent and unscented soaps and shampoos.  Camp staff will supervise application of insect repellent to help minimize bites.



During camp, temperatures can run in the upper 90’s with heat indexes in the 100’s.  It is important to send sunscreen and a hat or bandanna with your camper.  Baby powder is also helpful to prevent chaffing.





  • Make sure your camper is included in the packing process so he/she is aware of what they have brought to camp and where they are packed.

  • There is no need to buy a “camp” wardrobe – clothes should simply be comfortable, durable play clothes.

  • Pack enough clothing for your camper’s stay.  Packing lists are based on a 7-day session. 

  • Use a permanent marker to write your child’s name on all items.

  • Pack items, including bedrolls/sleeping bags in a sturdy duffle bag or similar. Garbage bags are NOT luggage.  They will tear leaving your child with no place to put their belongings.





Texas Youth Camp is a Christian church camp.  Therefore any type of fashion that distracts from the spiritual atmosphere will not be permitted.


  • Girls: NO spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, short shorts, see-through clothing, bikinis, or plunging necklines will be permitted.  Shorts must be mid-thigh or longer. Only one-piece bathing suits – NO EXCEPTIONS!  Girls will wear cover-ups or t-shirt and shorts to and from the swimming pool.

  • Boys: NO sagging pants where undergarments are visible and no muscle shirts will be permitted. Shirts must be worn at all times, except while swimming, including to and from the swimming pool.


  • Campers will walk a lot and play sports every day.  Closed toe Sneakers are an absolute must. Recommendation is to send more than one pair in case one gets wet and needs to dry. You may also send a pair of open-toed shoes this year in addition to shower shoes.  Please be mindful that though sandals and flip-flops are stylish, they are not appropriate for camp and increase the likelihood of foot injuries.  New shoes should be broken in and comfortable before they are worn to camp.  




PACKING LIST (7-day Supply)



  • 8 shirts/t-shirts (please no halter tops, spaghetti strap tank tops, tube tops, or muscle shirts)

  • 2 pairs of sneakers (closed-toe and closed-heel)

  • 1 or 2 pairs of long pants or jeans

  • Raincoat with hood or poncho

  • 8 changes of underwear

  • 1 hat, cap, or bandanna

  • 8 pairs of shorts

  • 2 to 3 pairs of sleepwear

  • 10 pairs of socks

  • 1 light jacket or sweatshirt

  • 1 long-sleeved shirt

  • 1-2 swimsuits (no bikinis or 2-piece) 

  • Swim cover-up for girls



  • Soap with container

  • Comb, brush and hair ties

  • Shampoo

  • Deodorant

  • Sunscreen

  • Toothpaste and toothbrush

  • Kleenex

  • Insect Repellant

  • Baby powder

  • Shower shoes



  • Bible (No electronic bibles) and notebook

  • Pencil and pens

  • Stationary and stamps

  • Flashlight and extra batteries

  • Two blankets and two sheets or one sleeping bag and sheet

  • 3-towels & washcloths. Plan for daily showers, pool & lake activities

  • Laundry bag for dirty clothes

  • Pillow and pillowcase



  • Sunglasses

  • Camera, film, batteries

  • One security item (stuffed friend)

  • Glow sticks (one for each night) especially good for first time campers and those who don’t care for the dark.



Camp is time to focus on God, building relationships and fun, therefore please leave the following items at home.  Any technology items (cell phone, IPOD, Kindle or other notebooks, Game Boy, or the like) that are found, will be locked in the office until the end of camp.  The child’s parent will be responsible for checking it out.

  • Candles

  • Pagers

  • Candy, food, or gum

  • Palm Pilots

  • CD, DVD, or MP3 players

  • Radios

  • Cellular phones

  • Trading Cards

  • Electronic Pets

  • Other Toys

  • Electronic Books

  • TV’s

  • Fireworks 

  • Guns 

  • Jewelry 

  • Knives 

  • Laptops 

  • Lighters 

  • Matches 

  • Money


Gulf Plains Church Association Policies

The Gulf Plains Church Association hosts the Texas Youth Camp. For more on the GPCA, read About Us. View the GPCA Policies to read all of the policies established for the GPCA and the Texas Youth Camp.


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